Ever felt that nagging doubt that you’re vastly undercharging for your services, but you’re too worried about killing your business or coming across as greedy to change it? How do you make a comfortable living off your work while not cheating yourself or the customer? Are there techniques or strategies that will help you maximize your profit while also providing legitimately valuable service?
Special guest presenter Aaron Wilson answers all these questions in this in-depth workshop discussion. Topics covered include:
- What mindset you need to foster to run a repair service that is both ethical and profitable
- Managing customer perception, including in areas that don’t think much of repair technicians
- How to set a job average and work towards it
- Key items to look out for in the customer’s home that make for lucrative and valuable add-ons
- What you should charge for your diagnostic/trip fee
- How to set and deliver a job quote in a way that the customer will accept
- Vital ways to work on yourself and increase the value you can offer as a technician
…and much more! Click the video below to view the full workshop.
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