Here is an explanation of how we charge and what to expect.
1. When you enroll in a course, you will get an initial term of access:
- 1 year for an individual course
- 2 years for a course bundle
2. Once that term ends, a continued course access subscription will begin (see exceptions below):
- $5/month for an individual course
- $10/month for a course bundle
Note: This subscription is not connected to or required for any memberships at Appliantology.
Here are reasons that your course access will simply end at the end of your initial term rather than switch to subscription mode:
- You enrolled using Affirm
- Your employer enrolled you
- Your payment method on file is no longer valid or the subscription payment failed for some other reason
- You cancelled the subscription at some point during your term.
- You are enrolled at the Mr. Appliance Academy site, which does not have subscriptions.
Managing your Subscription
If you have an active subscription, you can change the billing method or cancel it on your “My Courses” page. Scroll down to the bottom. The subscription can be canceled at any time, even before your initial terms ends (you will continue to have access until the end of the term).
Starting/Restarting a Continued Access Subscription
If your course access ends for any of these reasons, you can start a subscription by contacting us. You will not be able to do it from the My Courses page. Note that the grace period during which you can regain access to your course is 6 months from when it closed down.
Subscription Renewal Notification
If you get a notice that looks something like this, it does NOT mean you will be charged the price shown. That is just the way the course was listed on the Enroll page (“Core Course: $795”, “Tech Bundle: $2145”, etc.), and Stripe grabbed that as the title of the course.Your subscription payment will just be the usual $5 or $10/month.
If you have any questions or need any help, please Contact Us.