
Service Manuals, Tech Datasheets and More

One of the keys to our appliance repair philosophy is the practice of pre-diagnosis, because going into your service calls armed with specific knowledge of the appliances you’re about to work on just makes sense. Of course your job will be easier and you’ll succeed more often for being prepared.

Having the necessary technical documents—including service manuals, schematics, tech datasheets, and other prediagnostic info—is a must. Which is why we give every new student a free 6-month membership to Appliantology.org, and every MST certified tech in Core Appliance Repair Training another full year free.

Appliantology.org is the biggest and best online resource for working appliance repair techs, and as a member you’ll receive unlimited downloads of all the service manuals, schematics and tech datasheets you need. (And in the rare case you can’t find what you’re looking for, just request it!)

There are tons of other benefits to being an Appliantology member (that you can read about here), so to get the most out of this amazing resource, we encourage all students to take the short course Appliantology 101: Your Guide to the Ultimate Appliance Repair Information Tool, which is free with every enrollment. You can find it under My Courses.